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Additional-Ability99 t1_iu2bmnt wrote

Your brain is like a forest. If you walk the same paths over and over, they become trodden, and easier to walk. Your neurons will fire down those paths more easily. Pick new paths and walk those instead, and let the old ones become overgrown and disappear over time. It takes active practice, active benefit-finding. If you want a free podcast regarding methods for this, and how the brain works, I recommend


jrcsmith t1_iu3zg71 wrote

Does anyone know what the podcast recommendation is? The link doesn’t direct me to one


banjaxed_gazumper t1_iu0xiy2 wrote

Yes definitely. Most of your thought patterns are just habits. You can change your mental habits through repetition. One of the simplest forms of this is repeating a phrase.

Find a few triggers that will remind you to repeat a positive phrase (silently or out loud it doesn’t really matter). The triggers might be every time you brush your teeth, every time you notice yourself feeling stressed, while you’re in the shower, before and after sleep, and every time you check Reddit instead of working.

Every time these triggers happen, take a moment to repeat your phrase. It can be something like “I’m feeling really happy and optimistic” or “I’m pretty sure everything is going to work out great” or “I am so happy because of all the great things going on in in my life”. Smile really big and maybe do a big fake jolly laugh if you can.

It doesn’t matter if you actually believe these things or not. Simply thinking them trains your mind to be optimistic. It gets into the habit of thinking these positive thoughts.

This same thing works for all kinds of negative thought patterns. Whatever you wish your brain would think, just force it to think that a bunch of times on purpose and after a few weeks of training it will just be your genuine default thought pattern.


juandelpueblo939 t1_iu10fe1 wrote

Can we let the OP doing the AMA answer this instead? Thank you.


WhiteTshirtDad t1_iu1e8zh wrote

What are you, new to reddit? Relax. We don't need you to police this thread.


banjaxed_gazumper t1_iu11ghx wrote

😂 ok I’ll allow OP to answer


juandelpueblo939 t1_iu11iuu wrote

Are you the subject matter expert?


banjaxed_gazumper t1_iu11tav wrote

Relax. It’s ok for people to have a conversation. OP can still respond.


juandelpueblo939 t1_iu127rq wrote

No, you’re not the subject matter expert. Out here you’re might misinforming people, and giving unqualified advice like you’re an licensed therapist; which you haven’t proven you are. Is not only unethical, but also ilegal in many countries. So please, stay in your lane and let the qualified expert speak. Just because you have an opinion doesn’t mean its a valid one.


banjaxed_gazumper t1_iu14l7k wrote

Ok I won’t tell anyone else to think positive thoughts. I don’t want to go to jail.


juandelpueblo939 t1_iu1697r wrote

See, you’re here spewing nonsense and by the likes you’re getting, people are buying it. And to you it’s all a joke! This is the danger of allowing people like you who aren’t qualified to misinform others; specially with a topic so sensitive like mental health. That’s why when professionals in their field try to correct garbage, they are met with resistance and dismissal. But go right ahead, keep up misinforming the masses for the likes.


SwordzRus t1_iu2y3l3 wrote

>So please, stay in your lane and let the qualified expert speak. Just because you have an opinion doesn’t mean its a valid one.


juandelpueblo939 t1_iu4453d wrote

I’m not the one giving opinions on the subject matter with out any qualifications. But please, keep the strawman argument coming.


diMario t1_iu24df2 wrote

The pessimist: "Wow! Things are so bad, they can't get much worse".

The optimist: "Nah, don't you worry. They can get much worse!"