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arcxjo t1_iu7fevq wrote

What possible advantage to the democratic process could there be in casting a ballot before the candidates have all had the fully-allotted time to make their case for why I should vote for them?

For the purposes of this question, "it helps entrench the two-party dilemma by encouraging mindless straight-ticket voting" is not a valid answer as it is in fact a restatement of the problem, not the solution.


Tzarlatok t1_iu87k1e wrote

>What possible advantage to the democratic process could there be in casting a ballot before the candidates have all had the fully-allotted time to make their case for why I should vote for them?

Making sure that you actually get to vote. If something comes up, eg. illness/accident, or just standard constraints on your time, that makes it very difficult or impossible for you to vote on the final day allowed then you can't participate in the democratic process at all.

Basically, being able to vote with slightly less (and in almost all cases negligible) information about candidates is better than not voting at all.