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t1_iumo4lw wrote

Thanks for lending your expertise this morning! When there is a confirmed case of Ebola, what is the protocol of containment and do people who came in contact with the infected also have to follow that protocol?


OP t1_iun94nf wrote

During the 2015 outbreak in West Africa, there were limited local diagnostic resources and test results needed to be sent to laboratories in the capital. Because of the travel time, it could take up to 3 days to get a clinical diagnosis back. In this time, their condition could worsen and they could be infecting those around them.

During this time, a team of MRIGlobal researchers joined the scientific community of about 15 other countries to deploy mobile laboratories adjacent to existing treatment centers to expand the geographic reach of testing capabilities, effectively shortening the diagnostic process to just hours. The team also encouraged containment practices like isolation, contact tracing, and limiting travel.

Local government programs provided additional resources like food, water, and other supplies in response to these containment protocols.