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t1_ivzzksy wrote

If you had to serve in any other branch, which would it be and why?

And are there any stereotypes about the Navy/SEALs that are true?

Happy Veterans day!


OP t1_iwghe8x wrote

Sorry for delayed response, I didn't realize I could keep answering after the live AMA ended (thank you for teaching this ol dog new tricks!). Surprisingly I dont think Ive ever been asked this before, but it does open up a whole can of potential jokes! Would I join the Mens department of the Navy? Chair Force? Big green machine?

All jokes aside, for me the question is a little more about which other component of the Special Operations Community would I join? Marsoc is the new kid on the block and advancing really quickly, but I would say the Marine Corps is my dad's service and sometimes the Marine Corps is too hoorah for my style (no offense, the fleet navy is the same way for me). Plus I look terrible with a high and tight and the Marines are pretty serious about their grooming standards. Army is great, and I love the SF ODAs and their mission and culture. All the door kicking, but they tend to be older and wiser than my community in the SEAL teams. Quite honestly Im not sure my language skills are up to par for SF. I would have to work real hard. That leaves AFSOC. The AFSOC community is the least known of the special operations component, but really interesting. At this stage in my life, the AFSOC emphasis on Pararescue I think would be my second choice behind Naval Special Warfare. Every PJ/Pararescue person I has met is the ultimate professional, and I think the mission and training is really unique and high speed. So gun to my head, yeah, Air Force (plus the golf courses are great).