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Just4theWork OP t1_j0r4az6 wrote

In all honesty, nothing.

I am pretty good at math, and as a teacher have an answer key.

Conceptual Physics, in my opinion, is pretty easy and fun to do different experiments with. The hardest part would be the math, which I'm good at.

I am awful at spelling, but a good writer with spell check.

History is something I literally study the subject the night before I teach it.


secoccular t1_j0r6253 wrote

> History is something I literally study the subject the night before I teach it.



Just4theWork OP t1_j0r88kt wrote

It's unfortunate I do not know more. To be fair, the world is a big place. I think a lot of teachers, whether they would admit it or not, brush up on specific dates and names.