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Just4theWork OP t1_j0r761g wrote

The best way I think I can answer this is to try and address each of your points backwards.

I believe the school I am working for believes in fundamental change of education, likely what is being fought for. They provide me a much higher than average hourly rate. Unfortunately, current enrolment is low so it is only part time (12 hours a week) currently. When more students attend and my class size grows, I will have the opportunity to teach more.

I can imagine how someone who went to school for many years, and paid a large amount to do so, would be upset about another person getting the job without jumping through those hoops.

Overall though, I believe I am a good teacher, and I was hired for my skill set.


theantdog t1_j0r8013 wrote

>I was hired for my skill set.

What skill set are you talking about?


Just4theWork OP t1_j0r8i2y wrote

The ability to teach.


theantdog t1_j0r9p09 wrote

Why do you think you have that skill set? Because you took a part time gig with one student?


Just4theWork OP t1_j0r9zkt wrote

I have been working as a coach for many years in athletics. Teaching in itself is a skill.


Frog-Eyes t1_j0rile7 wrote

As a coach and teacher, coaching and teaching are not the same thing.


Just4theWork OP t1_j0tb4cz wrote

I agree, but they share a lot of the same concepts.


Tawanda87 t1_j0rkck9 wrote

There’s several reasons I’m upset. At the moment, it’s witnessing deluded and unqualified people believe they can teach core academic subjects because they coached a sport for a few years. You’re robbing your student of a quality education. It’s selfish and misguided.