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cadencehz t1_j1blr3m wrote

What were some of your favorite bars and restaurants while in Syracuse, besides Dinosaur BBQ?


shrimptooth OP t1_j1bmnmv wrote

So many incredible ones. My hotel was next to Pastabilities so I had the riggies there 4x a week at least. The York was pretty great too. A little farther out in Liverpool my favorite bar is the Retreat, also incredible chicken riggies.

We just had the premiere after-party at Three Lives arcade bar and that was awesome food and games.

Overall everyone working in the bars and restaurants in Syracuse was so nice and supportive of the movies, it's really awesome to spend months at a time there. And I'm originally from Long Island so I'm more comfortable in NY anyway.


PornoPaul t1_j1exhcj wrote

Im OOTL - I'm assuming Christmas Binge was filmed in Syracuse? Where are you from originally? And, next time go one city over for some great wings and white hots in Rochester. We're better (Sorry Syracuse)


shrimptooth OP t1_j1eyjdd wrote

I’m from Ronkonkoma long Island originally! But Jeremy Garelick bought a high school in Syracuse to shoot comedies there. So all the production is based out of there. But I do love wings so I’ll be sure to hit Rochester for Binge 3!


PornoPaul t1_j1f06gy wrote

You're my new favorite scriptwriter ever. If you ever need an extra that isn't attractive, is overweight, and can't act for shit, I'm your guy!