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Macemore t1_j1bznnr wrote

Why Coke Zero and not other forms of Coke, like Diet Coke?


shrimptooth OP t1_j1bzsb0 wrote

I’ll dabble in Diet Coke too. I’m not a purist. Especially since the formula and can change of the Zero.


Macemore t1_j1bzzj7 wrote

They changed coke zero? Those bastards! It was perfect from day one.


2plus2equalscats t1_j1d5olm wrote

The can change is infuriating.


BestCatEva t1_j1evo7h wrote

I don’t even drink Coke Zero and this made me mad.

And during Covid, some idiot decided to stop making Coke Zero Vanilla. Now I have to drink sugar. I live in GA now and there are days I think about hoofing down there and making this blasphemy known. But, you know, traffic.


MikeHfuhruhurr t1_j1ewqa2 wrote

> And during Covid, some idiot decided to stop making Coke Zero Vanilla.

I know a little backstory on this because I went through a similar thing with Sprite Zero.

At the height of the pandemic, supply chain issues caused a shortage in aluminum. So soda companies limited their production to the basic formulas to meet that demand and cut production of the others.

They slowly introduced the others back into society, but Coke Zero Vanilla might be lost forever.

/u/shrimptooth, do you have any insight on the aluminum shortage?


shrimptooth OP t1_j1ex0e5 wrote

Working on my next movie where in the future aluminum is only legal one day a year.


BestCatEva t1_j1ey7gg wrote

A fall themed movie, titled, ‘Back to Glass’ coming soon.