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revanon OP t1_j1hpu5m wrote

Those, and I think He'd use at least some of it to short the stock options of every billionaire so as to increase their chances of entering the kingdom of heaven above that of a camel passing through the eye of a needle.


rydan t1_j1l9urs wrote

Shorting stocks does not take money away from shareholders. In fact it tends to increase stock prices. This is why when governments step in to stop shorting it usually collapses the market. Check Gamestop as a prime example. Gamestop had more shares shorted than actually existed and this resulted in their stock price increasing nearly 100 fold. The CEO became insanely rich as a result.


KingAdamXVII t1_j1htdkf wrote

I know this is a joke but it’s a pretty stupid and lazy one. Sorry. Shorting the stocks of every billionaire would just be like giving them money. It would be much easier for him to take away billionaires’ money from the comfort of his throne in heaven.

I was really just looking for a specific charity that you recommend.


revanon OP t1_j1hw3fq wrote

I guess if that was what you were looking for then...just ask that? Like, that's a great question just on its own!

I give regularly to the United Negro College Fund. There are lots of HBCUs here in the Deep South that need and deserve more financial support, and the UNCF includes a disclosure form in its mailed appeals stating how much money raised goes towards campaign expenses and how much goes directly towards its goals, which I appreciate as a straightforward way in which to build trust.