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catherder9000 t1_j2wy8lo wrote

I've had the unfortunate four-year-plus experience with two different jet owners going through the expensive upgrade to NXi on their G1000 to then be mad at me (I'm an IT dude, not an aviation tech, who deals with a couple rich bosses) for the advertised-as "easiest way to update your charts etc." from Garmin to never work for them. I'd then whip out to the hangar, throw in the latest update on an SD and it would be done in 5 minutes and off they'd go with their latest cycle. Rinse repeat each monthly update cycle with the owner-pilots bitching at me for their broken-assed Garmin NXi failing to complete updates and me driving out to the airport to manually update the plane(s). I'd like to poke a couple Garmin engineers in the eye with a frozen fish over the emotional trauma. lol

The G1000 NXi system is pretty good (as far as feature upgrades goes), but their cycle update method is beyond frustrating if you don't just do it the old working SD way.