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Entropy- t1_j3p5qv4 wrote

Can you tell me about any archery they do, if you’ve seen it?


worldtravelstephanie OP t1_j3pu59a wrote

The Kazakhs are amazing archers! I was severely teased at my lack of skill. It is done from horseback often, the horses are still considered wild even though the nomads wrangle them, and as such they have a lot of free will and almost completely control your direction while you are shooting. You control the speed. I did get to practice (with kids only 10 or 12) but it is a skill mostly used for hunting in autumn, or ceremonially in summer at festivals. That’s when you see the tricks. Those are practiced when you have long days on horseback just herding the goats around. Groups of three or four herders will spend afternoons teasing, competing, and practicing while watching the goats. The most amazing trick I saw was when some young girls got really good at leaning back and spinning upside down, kinda leaning backward off the horse just being hooked on with one leg and shooting completely up-side-down. I did not try that, hah!


Entropy- t1_j3putv9 wrote

Thank you very much for this summary! 😊🙏🏻 I do horse archery too, was really curious lol.


worldtravelstephanie OP t1_j3pzr5c wrote

Wow! How cool, hope you were able to understand my descriptions then! Maybe I’ll see you on the steppe on a Kazakh horse one day ;)


Entropy- t1_j3tgx61 wrote

Yep, very clear! I get pamphlets for overseas riding tours in which I look at longingly. I’m not skilled enough in vaulting or trick riding that I could do a one-legged upside down shot. Just taking in the experience and learning is what I’m really after though. :)