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EdSourceToday OP t1_j9l0q4m wrote

Letting kids read what they choose to read is key to building enthusiasm. But parents can read to their children as well, at all ages, so that they are exposed to literature that might be too challenging for them but will expose them to more sophisticated fare. Read alouds should continue long beyond the child learning to read, many experts advise.


CA_education_nut t1_j9l3nfa wrote

I've always thought the bonds we build while snuggling with a kid and going over a book together, whether they are reading it or you are, is as important the literacy learning they got out of it.


PDGAreject t1_j9op9tc wrote

> Letting kids read what they choose to read is key to building enthusiasm

Yes, but I've read Make Way for Ducklings two times a day for the past 3 months... XD