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ImDrewpy OP t1_ir6p97c wrote

Keen to hear your thoughts once youve had a listen :)


TheOneTrueZippy8 t1_ir9ui7x wrote

A friend introduced me to the term car washing music - no-one washes their car to music but you might have something on in the background. This seems very much like that only for sitting in front of a screen. It's music that is there, rather than being actively listened to. Muffles other distractions, sets a mood, that sort of thing.

If I am going to listen to Ambient~Electronica~etc then I am going to listen to it. Focus on it, pay attention. This doesn't seem to be that. It's background.

I hope this doesn't come across as negative. It's not meant to be. It seems perfectly pleasant, I just wouldn't actively seek it out as something to listen to.


ImDrewpy OP t1_irb4qxw wrote

You're exactly right, and it's by design. The site is a tool to help people focus and study via ambient background music. I personally am too interested by most music to work while 'listening', and so I created this.

Glad it's working as intended!