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nowhereman1223 t1_iunrnq0 wrote

That middle of the country though.

Woof. Those DSL speeds are still complete crap.


icefire555 t1_iuo2adh wrote

The fact that symmetrical internet speeds are rare, shows that oue architecture is ancient. I'm pretty sure cable modems have been supporting it for 8 plus years now. In the era of working from home, it should be a priority.


nowhereman1223 t1_iuo5s7h wrote

Symmetrical just doesn't work on a network designed in the 70s 80s 90s for download/sending stuff to people. Aka cable service.

The upload portion of the Cable network was only ever designed to track channels, accept PPV, and phone home for errors.

It has been adapted and updated to get better but we are pushing the limits of what the current infrastructure (for cable/coax) can handle.

Fiber is totally different and good to go for serious speeds. I wish there was a lot more fiber around. I don't need 2Gbps down, Id settle for 500Mbps/500Mbps.


n4ppyn4ppy t1_iuo6edr wrote

And that's for the fastest city.....


nowhereman1223 t1_iuo834f wrote

Our speeds are crap.


The government mandated High Speed internet be made available to the full country.

The ISPs decided to lobby and get High Speed internet redefined to cover janky DSLs theoretical maximum instead of improving the network.

Once they did that they promised to get those speeds to everyone.


Last time it was fully reported on I think the ISPs had only covered 70% of the US with the new lower speed high speed internet. That is when they tried to get things redefined again to avoid updating infrastructure in rural areas.


It hurts me to the core, they get govt subsidies to provide High Speed internet to rural areas. Then instead of using that money to provide the internet speeds, they pocket it.