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ecp001 t1_izk9zwg wrote

It seems to me that the process of typing, rapidly reproducing words as your looking at them, is not conducive to understanding the text and absorbing the underlying message or even the story.


blindsight t1_izl5oqy wrote

I found the opposite. The process of focusing on every word helped increase my reading comprehension.

Maybe it depends on your reading and typing speed? idk


Forzix t1_izmaiob wrote

Definitely depends on the person. I'm the same way as the top commenter, I will process next to nothing of the context of the sentence when typing for speed/technique. Then again I also have the problem of reading sentences and just generally not processing any of the meaning (especially when I have other thoughts in my head), leading to me having to reread stuff.

Same goes for reading, trying to intentionally read fast for practice/competition, none of the meaning makes it to my brain. Usually when I read a book I read it at somewhat of a narrating-out-loud pace, makes it feel more comfortable and like I'm watching a movie in my head.


blindsight t1_izmawoi wrote

I'm a speed demon when I'm reading fiction, so I wonder if that's part of it, too. I need to slow down dramatically to type it.


MerlinQ t1_izl61ma wrote

I don't know, I read far, far, faster than I type, and do fine with reading comprehension.
I also find the act of writing things helps me process them better.
So I kinda think this would be like combining the two. Definitely going to give it a try, since the random word typing could never get me to hang in past a couple minutes before driving me nuts.