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iamobiwan t1_izlvm4l wrote

It’s really not. Style guides exist for this reason. There are rules of grammar, style, and punctuation. “According to every major style guide you’ll find, the rule is a single space after a period or any other punctuation mark you use to end a sentence. Even the APA, the staunchest defender of the double space over the decades, changed their stance on the issue in 2019.”

You can just ignore their advice : just like you can use the wrong punctuation and Capitalization whEnever you want’”

But that doesn’t mean it’s subjective. That’s like saying having 2 periods at the end of each sentence is subjective. It really isn’t.


ShouldBeeStudying t1_izlwujm wrote

Whether an authority says X or not doesn't mean it looks ugly. And legibility for one person is different than for other people. I've delt with parse texing the difference on computers and it's not ba.... nevermind. This discussion has been done and it's not what I'm here for