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t1_j727alm wrote



OP t1_j72c7sy wrote

In Canada, our famous-est groundhog is called "Wiarton Willie", so we already live in a multi-groundhog reality. Once you've gone that far, what's another 60+?


t1_j74k5a1 wrote

honestly, I used to throw in with Wharton willy, but today I learned of the existence of Manitoba merv, the weather predicting golf club cover:

Also of note, in some cites in the usa they have replaced their ground hogs with wide mouthed bass, a bullfrog, a duck, and a cat. Seems the "ground hog" of Groundhog Day is just a suggestion.


t1_j74kzcs wrote

Wiarton Willie is our main Canadian dude.

Willie is successful 90 per cent of the time, proving Canucks rule the weather prognostication game.

Punxsutawney Phil has the experience, but his accuracy is a sad 39 per cent. He’s a glamour groundhog consumed by fame.

RIP Fred la Marmotte


OP t1_j724j0o wrote

Hi all, I know I am a day late here, but I got a suggestion to post this here from a comment I made in another subreddit. is a hobby project I put together over the last year, it's meant to be pretty minimal but groundhogs are serious business:

- See all the little guys (here's an example of one of my faves, the prognosticating frog)

- See predictions in 2023 (or all years)

- Explore the Groundhog Map

Had a lot of fun making the site, hope you enjoy looking through it!


t1_j72bgi4 wrote

Screw that pucksatawny guy, my local groundhogs day early spring. Honestly though, this is a pretty delightful project. Thanks for creating this joyful thing.


OP t1_j72byjo wrote

Weather is regional, so your local groundhog should be your preferred source of misleading weather info!


t1_j73w8cr wrote

this is incredible!

I work 100% remote and have done since the start of covid. With teammates across the country I just shard this with them and we all loved it! from P-Phil and so many others in PA, to Sir Wally in NC, and honestly the best one out of the ones we looked at on our team representing my coworkers from Iowa - Polk County Paula won the meeting! the fact that she gives out FREE beer at her announcement just makes her way cooler than we expected!

So thank you for this list and for giving my accounting team something else to bond over other than audits and month-end close.


OP t1_j74xei3 wrote

Same here! I showed this to some colleagues and we spent 20 mins talking about it. Great ice breaker, which is handy mid-Feb


t1_j73xvel wrote

I can't believe you would do Okanagan Okie dirty like that.


t1_j752v84 wrote

I love all the species. Would be cool if they were included as a column on the main page along with the location!


t1_j7332yi wrote

Missed the Quebec one who died the day before Groundhog Day. So my guess is never ending winter.


t1_j74jj2j wrote

Sir Walter Wally in Raleigh, NC announced he was retiring just days before. No word, but rumors are circulating that he is in ill health. For what it's worth, I went outside in Raleigh on Groundhog Day and did not see my shadow, so I'm forecasting an early spring.


t1_j73x7c3 wrote

The only one that matters is the king himself, PUNXSUTAWNEY PHIL


t1_j73wje0 wrote

I'm so happy to see that Balzac Billy is predicting an early spring


t1_j73ik7l wrote

The groundhog business is booming.


t1_j74nwff wrote

Sand Mountain Sam predicted an early spring and he, by being a possum, is more accurate by far.


t1_j74yyep wrote

From 1900 - 1967, there were only 2 early Spring arrivals. What a depressing age of man.

And then came disco!


t1_j7538lz wrote

This is garbage, back in my day we would yank the groundhog out from his hole and eat him!


t1_j75af7z wrote

Wiarton Willie (the bestest dude) says an early spring, this year.


t1_j76z99b wrote

Groundhog Day makes absolutely no logical sense. If it sees its shadow, 6 more weeks of winter? If it sees its shadow, that means there is sun. If it doesn't see its shadow, that means it was overcast or cloudy. Why would not seeing its shadow mean it's "spring"???


OP t1_j78jke3 wrote

It's counterintuitive, but spring weather is usually pretty overcast and grey, which is what this comes from I think. You can get more of the lore on this page:

Here's a quote:

> Spring weather can be pretty miserable — oftentimes it’s grey and rainy and wet — whereas the middle of winter has plenty of bright, clear days where it is insensibly cold outside. Essentially, the Candlemas prediction assumes that overcast weather is a harbinger of spring, whereas a clear day means you’re still in the thick of winter.


t1_j72krj5 wrote

My local 'Groundhoh" is an opossum lol


t1_j72ksgu wrote

My local 'Groundhoh" is an opossum lol


t1_j72fzjm wrote

What an absurd anti-science tradition. Boomers - once upon a time you raged against the machine. Wth happened to you?


t1_j72srg4 wrote

What's wrong with having some goofy fun? I'm fully in favor of science and reason, but harmless traditions and community events are great for overall human happiness and societal cohesion.