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mattjones3141 t1_je5cz36 wrote

Really? I have not see those stories yet. I don't know that they were ever for mentally ill people getting guns. I think they were for some level of due process so that people don't decide that mental illness is anyone that would want to buy a gun, so they should all be banned from owning a gun. That argument may sound silly, but I've seen people make that exact one and if you allow things to skip process and be determined on a whim, it's possible.

Edit: I just went trying to find the most idiotic GOP comments I could find to support your position. Actively looking for the worst, the worst I found was Taylor-Green making a stupid comment about the trans days / parades. She also made a comment about the shooter being on testosterone. I might just be missing it but I'm sure trying. I bet there are rando's on the internet saying it, but there are rando's on the internet believing flat earth so I'm not putting a ton of weight on this.

I don't see any issue with parades. I do worry that it feels like having a big public event right now about it may draw out the lone nutjob that wants revenge and does something bad. Along the lines of the foreign trolls setting up events for opposing groups at the same time next to each other.

The comment about testosterone doesn't seem too unreasonable, even if the woman making that post often is. It is no secret that it increases aggressiveness. It seems very reasonable that making drastic changes in it for someone could have bad effects. I don't know if the shooter was even taking it, so it could be completely unrelated, but asking that question sounds prudent. Maybe it makes sense to adjust a major hormone more slowly and this is a datapoint for why.

If both sides can admit that no one wants dead kids or dead trans people, and that discussing the transition process in a way that hopefully results in fewer of both, isn't an attack.