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9boi t1_je0zzxq wrote

Wow look at all those words. Get off the internet and stop pretending your oligarchs are any better than their oligarchs


HarryHacker42 t1_je147f9 wrote

At least you don't argue any of it is untrue. Let me know when you find an example of Biden making $141 million off the US government while President, like Trump did while golfing. Or show me where Biden encouraged violence against police or journalists. Lets see how your oligarchs stack up against the current loser the Democrats put in place.


9boi t1_je15ff3 wrote

You've changed my mind, I hope this joke finally takes him down. You're very brave to speak out against him.


HarryHacker42 t1_je1b2wq wrote

And you are brave to support Trump after all he's done.


9boi t1_je1flq7 wrote

You're so terminally online you're projecting trumpism onto me. Is Trump in the room with us now? Did he also hide your keys this morning?


HarryHacker42 t1_je1o4ax wrote

Your insults bounce like stale cheetos off my Kevlar school uniform.