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PorlockLife t1_je8sz76 wrote

1000 people on anti-depressants


Business-Emu-6923 t1_je8vzjp wrote

1000 people who’s Dads are gun lovers.


Defiant_Psychology40 t1_je9zf19 wrote

How about 1000 people who had shity parents. Guns are not the problem, bad/absent parenting and mental health are the real issue. Why does no one call for the banning or regulation of cars? They kill more children than any thing, im not saying gun crime and genuine accidents don't happen but go look on the CDC website ages 0-17 years old #1 cause vehicle related. Of you don't like guns cool, I get it. However you can not strip everyone else of thier right, further more if the reason the 2nd amendment was made #2 is ever called upon you will be glad we never laid down our guns to be confiscated.


The_Effigey t1_jeau4q4 wrote

Dear usa,

We solved it years ago and have had no mass shootings since,

It was guns,

Yours sincerely,

The rest of the western world


Defiant_Psychology40 t1_jeawm6w wrote

If there is ill intent, there is a way they will resort to bombing knifes cars planes god forbid chemical attacks. You can not solve evil with laws, you have to get them the help they need and the stigma of asking for help need to be lifted too.


The_Effigey t1_jeb1pxk wrote

Lile i said, we dont get thosesorts of violence, also outlawed. We solved the problem, knives are too emotionally and physically difficult to kill with when actually faced with the opportunity and have actual nonviolent uses, and carrying a dangerious one is illegal. We get so little violent killings of any of these kinds.

The reality is some people are unstable and dangerous, usa chooses to give them easier access to guns by at the least surrounding them with other people who have them, and stocking them widely.

I cannot be clearer than i already have been, dunblaine uk, one mass shooting, guns outlawed, problem never came about again.

Same for many other western countries. Hapoened once, immeduately outlawed, and i can co firm no one has needed and few have wanted guns since.

Arguing against these statistics and historical facts is just refuting evidence, which is in essence denial. No one needs guns any more than they need bombs.

Tldr, we outlawed guns and nothing replaced the violence, just living kids.


Viking_Hippie t1_je8z6lj wrote

So it's not enough that you indirectly kill people by making sure it's easy for would-be shooters to get guns, you also want to kill even more by stigmatising lifesaving medication that has never been shown to have any effects that could in any way contribute to violent acts at all, much less mass murder?

Fuck off. And when you're done with that, fuck off some more. You suck big floppy donkey dick.


Defiant_Psychology40 t1_je9zjcq wrote

Your an idiot.


Viking_Hippie t1_jea02eq wrote

Maybe learn the difference between your and you're before you go around calling other people idiots, dumbass 😂


Defiant_Psychology40 t1_jea0pec wrote

Grammar aside, you're still stupid. If you think guns are the problem and you're calling anti-depressants life saving? You truly are a smotth brain. I bet you think biden is doing a pretty good job, right?


Viking_Hippie t1_jeafiwm wrote

Guns are literally made to kill people and other animals and I wouldn't exist if not for my mom's severe clinical depression being treated medically so yeah, you're still the idiot indirectly getting people killed.

And no, Biden is far too conservative, corrupt and old-fashioned, which I already knew before the DNC rigged the primaries for him.