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Fskn t1_iuac9e1 wrote

And the nun was really the bus driver all along


pedro_pascal_123 t1_iuaed6a wrote

And that nun's name? Albert Einstein...


AlmightyCrumble t1_iubg5lg wrote

But it wasn't really him, it was his chauffeur ...


alphadeeto t1_iubnirs wrote

And his name? Dave.


mroboto2016 t1_iuc2ftw wrote

Dave's not here.


ACED70 t1_iubxmkl wrote

I have no idea where this thread is going, and I love it.


hezzospike t1_iubz1t9 wrote

These are all references to past jokes/Reddit lore


MistraloysiusMithrax t1_iuc7sv0 wrote

Omg, you did it Reddit. We found them. It was like a reverse game of Where’s Waldo, where Waldo had to realize he was being looked for and stepped forward. But we found him, he found us, and we know there is, really truly is, one among us who DOESN’T KNOW DAVE. Super sus.

The real treasure was the frien…gunshots treasure. And someone got that treasure. And that little girl? It Dave