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AdOk932 t1_iy8q2vf wrote

I'm a member of the fiat earther society, and we call all cars globes. Where's the problem?


llbeen t1_iy8qlib wrote

You earned my upvote, fair and globe


NemosGhost t1_iy8szwq wrote

If they are so against the earth being a globe, why do they always make it a disk?

Couldn't be it be a square, or just some odd random shape?


BlowFish-w-o-Hootie t1_iy8xbin wrote

I heard about a flat earth society chapter made up of procrastinators. They wanted to have a meeting, but they didn't get around to it.


swalker6622 t1_iy9aovi wrote

If the earth is really flat, why haven’t the cats knocked off everything over the edge?