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patelnirpendra t1_ja2rbi9 wrote

  1. Dress up as a jehovas witness for Halloween

  2. locate jehovas witnesses houses

  3. knock on door,‟do you've a moment to talk about our lord and saviour?”

  4. ‟of course we do,come in come in!”

  5. hand them a brochure about the virtue of giving out treats in Halloween

  6. ????????


TonyThePapyrus t1_ja5lyr9 wrote

Have copies of the bee movie (or the script) and ask them if they wanna talk about our lord and savior Beesus Christ


indyjays t1_ja54x1b wrote

Had a family of JW’s that lived behind us. Every Halloween, they handed out these pamphlets and every day after Halloween their yard was littered with them.


dgm42 t1_ja3rbk9 wrote

What do get if you cross a Jehovah's Witness with a Unitarian?
Someone who knocks on your door for no particular reason.


BigDCanuck t1_ja5tglp wrote

Was born and raised as one. They are a harmful cult that destroys families. Avoid them!!


ComradeGibbon t1_ja6r8zd wrote

I have a rule about how you can tell if something is a cult or not. It's the answer to the question what happens when you try to leave.


Collective-Bee t1_ja6wumy wrote

There are more but yeah, this is a good one.

Missions are another big cult thing. Not too hard to see how a 2 year trip with forced minimal contact for young adults would completely destroy their social ties with people outside their ‘religion.’ And minimizing connection with people outside the religion is a huge cult thing.

Then there’s how much control they have over members lives, such as JW Watchtower society only allowing people to read the news that they produce along with many, many other things.


og_raptorqueefs t1_ja2rp5i wrote

They’re the ones who knocks.


Thick_Pipe187 t1_ja2uphk wrote


It's more than just avoiding competition - Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Halloween is a holiday that celebrates evil and death, so they don't want to be associated with it in any way. They also don't want to be seen as participating in what they view as a pagan ritual.


samuelgato t1_ja3gwu5 wrote

They don't celebrate any holidays, not even birthdays.


roominating237 t1_ja3v4vz wrote

Knew a young lady, great dry sense of humor. Topic came up that she was a JW, still companionable as an acquaintance/friend. Then came the young earth creationism. Nope.


caucasoidape t1_ja3zmwx wrote

If JWs and Mormons approach the same house, at the same time, do they compete with arguments?


canofmeems t1_ja4hvhj wrote


We'd leave, rather than risk any scene.

Revelation 22:18,19 I am bearing witness to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll; 19 and if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things which are written about in this scroll.

Basically if you add to the bible then you're Basically going against god.

So Joseph Smith went against god, and Mormons are deceived followers.

We preach to them if we meet them, and I've had some pretty decent chats.


Dylanphile t1_ja6apdd wrote

Ah, so their crazy baloney is crazier than your crazy baloney. Got it.


canofmeems t1_ja740pp wrote

Not really.

I love science, and the bible is scientific and only contradictory when you add Catholic ritual to it. It has internal consistency and is also scientific. There is a reference to the skin of teeth centuries before teeth enamel was discovered, and also it talks about the "circle of the earth" and how it's suspended upon nothing. And Psalm 139:16 "Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, And in your book all its parts were down in writing" And it was Darwin and his contemporaries that discovered the embryo.

So, it's not as crazy as you'd think.


GunsBikesBoozeBoobs t1_ja6sqel wrote

Galatians 1:8 is more fitting. It doesn't just apply to just 1 scroll, it applies to anything outside of the teachings of Jesus and the apostles.


UnspentDomatium49 t1_ja2ry6l wrote

I did not know this. But I wonder if they take advantage of the holiday anyway because they'll know probably 90% of the doors they knock on would be opened.


PullUpInTheSriLanka_ t1_ja5zxpr wrote

My mom’s a Jehovah’s Witness, they don’t celebrate any holidays except for what they call The Lords Evening Meal to celebrate Jesus dying. Holidays are considered demonic especially Halloween and Christmas.

But they also understand (at least my mom’s congregation cuz I seen some WILD Tik Tok’s) that most people’s families only get those days off because it’s common; so they don’t mind if you decide to spend time with them on those days, just don’t participate in the holidays parts.


The_Brick_Is_Parrot t1_ja6q5lw wrote

I'm a JW, and tbh I've seen some wild things too.

Just keep in mind that we are not all fanatics and force people into religion. It's mainly an American thing, cuz everything is always crazier in America.

Yet, we do "knock on doors" for a reason, which is that it's asked in the Bible. Yall are allowed to listen if you wish, or to insult us if you wish too. To be honest I'd be annoyed too if someone woke me up a Sunday morning to talk to me about God.

About holidays, we don't consider they are "demonic" or idk, we just don't celebrate them, except Easter where we recreate the last meal of Jesus, again because it's asked in the Bible. For other holidays, we don't celebrate them but we indeed know how important it is for other people, which we respect. I personally couldn't ask to be respected as a JW if I wasn't respecting other religions.

If you've read this, feel free to upvote, downvote, or just scroll away. I don't really mind


eLizabbetty t1_ja7lw9w wrote

Good points

>It's mainly an American thing, cuz everything is always crazier in America.

America was founded in religious freedom so we have every kind of sect, cult, break away religion, new religions, old religion, and everything in between. Your religious attitude is a good reflection of Jehovah's witnesses.


Itchy_Twist152 t1_ja7raan wrote

I love how casual you make this all sound. Oh yes, we don’t celebrate because we think they’re demonic. Why not spell it out, you all don’t believe in having relationships with outsiders because you think the entire world order is demonic, literally controlled by Satan. You all shun family members as an organization to emotionally blackmail them if they decide to leave while at the same time minimizing abuse of all kinds to preserve your so called ‘name’. If you’re a Jehovah’s Witness on Reddit you’re only purpose here is PR. The fact that you’re still a JW ‘after seeing crazy things’ is exactly the mindset that they encourage. Blind obedience, for Jesus said, be like sheep. Fuck Jehovah’s Witnesses. After being raised in it I lost my entire family and everything I knew at 19 because I decided to leave. My entire family and community shunned me and I had to rebuild everything on my own. To this day, 20 years later it’s as if they were dead. While living just an hour from me. If I show up they won’t even open the door. I’ve known others in my situation take their life because they were shunned. Young people pushed out of their homes as a means to get them to come back. It’s atrocious and anyone trying to minimize its negative and pervasive impact can fuck right off.


The_Brick_Is_Parrot t1_ja7ssfa wrote

I'm sorry for you. I know some people in your situation, but they didn't went as far as you. They did not completely cut the bridge with their children, but just restricted the relationship.


Itchy_Twist152 t1_ja7u4oc wrote

What does restrict the relationship mean? And why would you restrict your relationship with a family member because they’ve had sex out of wedlock? How is that supposed to help? The Bible also says that everyone shall carry their own cross. But yet the elders serve as judges literally on what’s called a judicial panel doling out sentences based on their subjective opinion. You are the problem with JWs, people inside who minimize it’s cult practices so they can feel the comfort of community, not realizing that if they slip up, they’ll get it too. Fucking hate Jehovah’s Witnesses. There is no other religion as cocky in their belief to call it the ‘truth’. Please, keep believing the world is 6000 years old. Fucking quacks.


babayfish t1_ja6uv6w wrote

What do you get if you cross a jehovas witness with a bikie?

Someone who knocks on your door and tells you to fuck off


osiversen t1_ja71vzr wrote

After JW came here daily for several weeks, so I began visiting their leader every day on the way home from work. After three days he threaten me with calling the police.


Cheesesteak21 t1_ja46jud wrote

Iirc JWs used Halloween when local governments have tried to outlaw their door to door week, I think the case went to the Supreme Court.


Ewetootwo t1_ja5iaj0 wrote

They’re scared Dracula will ask for a transfusion.


Sterek01 t1_ja71yzz wrote

Here is my sign of appreciation - my up vote


Zoomungus t1_ja73ba5 wrote

Jehovah's witness? I never even saw the accident...


Vinnie-Q t1_ja9w2sy wrote

Why don’t Italians like Jehova’s Witnesses? They don’t like any witnesses!


themagicalmrking t1_ja9qyg5 wrote

Ex jw here. And I can confirm we told this thuu oh s joke. Oh the irony.


Glittering-Flight-26 t1_ja3j3si wrote

They're in a CULT....just like every other person involved in the scam called organized religion.
