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extordi t1_jdw9g41 wrote

Another LPT: If you wipe up spills/splatters from the stovetop immediately after they happen then not only are they ridiculously easy to clean, but you just saved a step of cleanup for when you are done cooking.


ATLL2112 t1_jdwexp8 wrote

Not a great idea with a gas range unless you like burning yourself trying to get near the grates. Not to mention the stuff that gets under them.


finnjakefionnacake t1_jdz52bq wrote

i mean, i think it's ok to wait until after you turn the flame off. lol. still better to clean it 10 minutes after it happens vs. 10 days.


ATLL2112 t1_jdz57rj wrote

Yes, nothing I like to do more after slaving over a hot stove for 90 mins to cook a meal than let it get cold while I clean the mess I made.

There's literally no food stuffs that I can't get off 2 hours later with some elbow grease and, if needed, barkeeper's friend.


finnjakefionnacake t1_je0qx8e wrote

lol i think 2 hours later is fine too. i think the point is just that the sooner you do it, the easier it is to clean