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dustybooksaremyjam t1_jecv84z wrote

Pretty sure most 6 year olds have been taught about death. Unless OP is some religious weirdo, those kids already know what death is.

The question is more about phrasing to lessen the blow.


ftstud t1_jed1dd2 wrote

What religious weirdos conceal death from their children?


roo-ster t1_jee9s7f wrote

Most of them. They replace it with nonsense about immortality in some wonderful place that’s totally made-up, where they’ll be reunited with dead friends and family.


ftstud t1_jeeaknc wrote

Ah. You’re thinking of the afterlife, not death. All major religions that I know of do not shy away from death. How could they? We have to get to that afterlife somehow, eh?


PanSmithe t1_jef0s7o wrote

You'd be surprised how many children are not taught about death. When my MIL died, one 8 yo was not allowed to attend the funeral bc she was "too young"