mychal200302468 t1_jdgp5tk wrote
As a college student, having a visible reminder of the assignments I have and when they are due is super helpful for me. It also just feels good to erase them from the board once they are completed.
anecdotal_yokel t1_jdhllaz wrote
Just don’t forget to submit assignments like my dumb ass. Got work done early so I was like “I’ll go do something else now”. Almost missed the deadline until I had a panicked moment while laying in bed and the thought of submitting work randomly popped into my head.
Sub_um_titled9292 t1_jdhyx39 wrote
Underrated advice...
NewUser7630 t1_jdgzr80 wrote
Microsoft To Do might be something for you.
YourEngineerMom t1_jdhjl1r wrote
I like using the sticky note app on my laptop for assignments, it’s nice deleting a whole note for the assignment lol
NewUser7630 t1_jdhkbsf wrote
With MS toDo you get to cross it off and hear a nice sound. Additionally, you can see all your done tasks. 695 in my case.
RedTryangle t1_jdju0om wrote
>695 in my case.
As a fellow Microsoft to-do lover ...I got chills reading this. Haha!
standard_candles t1_jdhrwoi wrote
I'm all about that Focus To-Do
NTNinja1 t1_jdik1vl wrote
Does it have nesting subtasks? Been looking to replace google's todo
NewUser7630 t1_jdikoyx wrote
Yes it does.
GGprime t1_jdiloyo wrote
You can create multiple subtasks within a task but its not a project management tool. I use it to track simple tasks but also to gather ideas or information as a reminder. There is also MS planner which can be used to deal with more complex tasks while being very intuitive.
jessemadnote t1_jdjmv7l wrote
I’m a huge proponent of GQueues
[deleted] t1_jdhckuz wrote
The only time it doesn't work is when you're so depressed that you don't even want to eat, shower, or leave the house. Can confirm, since that's exactly how my last semester went. Doing a bit better now, but that's because of ADHD meds.
heartshapedpox t1_jdhy3ua wrote
Don't underestimate the power of taking them regularly! When I'm not working I sometimes think, "meh, I don't need to focus today", but for brains like ours, they affect much more than that - they help with the whole range of executive function. 💛
sad_professor t1_jdhjyx0 wrote
I like having a visible reminder (on my phone screen), which sticks around until task is done - not just notification. And I don't want it to appear too soon, for I start ignoring it. So calendar and most to-do apps are not an option. So far have found a widget called Doer Notes which works for me.
JavaTea t1_jdicuy6 wrote
I use TickTick. Both for tasks and for calendar blocking. I got my BF with ADHD to use it too and it helps him tremendously.
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