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slothwithakeyboard t1_je23k4h wrote

I have the same issue with cleaning around other people. For me, I've realized that it comes from adults in my life being hypercritical whenever I did chores as a kid. I was expected to help with cleaning from about 8 years old and my mom and grandma would yell at me for doing chores too slow or the "wrong" way even though I was still learning. Not much I can do about it now except raising my own children differently, but being aware of the reason for this hang-up and recognizing that it's irrational definitely helps me.


dandelionbaaby OP t1_je2n1zf wrote

This is a very insightful comment and I can definitely relate a bit! I taught myself the important life skills I didn’t get taught from my parents so maybe the insecurity I feel about my method of cleaning is a factor!!