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calguy1955 t1_jd8748p wrote

I suppose it depends on the city or county. I worked doing due diligence for real estate transactions throughout California for over 20 years and the best I could ever find were simple site plans and maybe an elevation. No structural plans were ever saved. Maybe in todays digital world they are available but there’s nothing for the old buildings.


drae- t1_jd8ep67 wrote

>Maybe in todays digital world they are available but there’s nothing for the old buildings.

Again, I literally have a print from a 100 year old factory behind my desk, which I sourced from my municipalities building department.

As I mentioned, I couldn't submit digitally for years specifically because they needed a paper copy for record.

In my experience if a permit was pulled for construction and municipality is organized they have a copy and can generally find it. Bigger cities stored it on microfilm. Of course some cities are shit shows and not organized at all. In my current jurisdiction the government responsible for planning items is the county, but for building items its the Town. One of the factories I renovated the fire department had copies of plans, the factory was old enough to predate the building department but not the fire department. Barking up the correct tree is half the battle.