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hvdzasaur t1_jdhefen wrote

I just bit the bullet and got myself a nas and an app that syncs (read upload) my photos to my nas whenever i am home, and then another app that auto-delete unsaved photos from my phone if they're older than a certain time.

I could set up port forwarding or whatever to access it online, but I don't want to open that can of worms, and I'm unlikely to view random pictures.


N00B_N00M t1_jdi3nb6 wrote

Google really spoiled us by enabling searching photos by keyword , that is irreplaceable for me , can't live without that, not sure if any offline software will achieve that ...


retirement_savings t1_jdifzk2 wrote

Yeah, and searching by faces is super convenient. I wanted to find a picture of me and my friend from a couples years ago - I searched for photos containing both of our faces and nobody else and found it in a few seconds.


CorectHorseBtryStple t1_jdhgvlo wrote

What app do you use? I'm partial to the /YYYY/MM/*.jpg directory structure, and looking for a potential alternative to the barely-maintained Sweet Home WiFi Picture backup.


hvdzasaur t1_jdhz62b wrote

Haven't tried many, managed to get syncthing up and running, but i'm unhappy with some of the limitations, so I'm also looking for an alternative. It does what i need it to do (get stuff on my NAS), i just set up some batch script that does the sorting to proper directories afterwards.

Like a NAS is for sure more expensive than some google cloud storage, but having my own local network storage is just so versatile.


balanced_view t1_jdi55eh wrote

The name of the app, give us the name


hvdzasaur t1_jdia45z wrote

I did; Syncthing.

You need it on your nas and on your phone, you need to specify the folder you want to sync, and it's target on the NAS, alongside setting up the usual stuff when dealing with home network storage. Whenever you are connected to your home network, it will sync those folders to your NAS.