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Anon293357 t1_je9s9x1 wrote

Minimum wage, minimum effort


chuckdooley OP t1_je9swn8 wrote

I actually really appreciate this post because I totally understand the feeling.

I feel it to my core, and I’ve gone through a lot of my career thinking that.

I finally started applying myself at jobs that I didn’t believe deserved me, one of them actually fired me…I don’t care because I learned their accounting system, gave them improvements, and then I used that experience in my next job

I still flip their office the bird when I drive by….but I’m grateful for them because they taught me where I didn’t want to be.

This isn’t about bettering the company, per se, sure they might benefit from your increased skill set, but you can plan to leave any time….doesn’t mean you’ll get the job immediately, but the greater “lesson” if there was one….better yourself while you’re stuck there

I don’t care if you’re cleaning toilets at Wendy’s, not that there’s anything wrong with that, if that’s what you want to do….but you’re not limited to improving your role, you probably see things that management doesn’t, tell them!

This screams self help, I know, and I hate that I sound like this, but I really believe it