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ValifriggOdinsson t1_jebnoj9 wrote

Also: don’t pretend being pregnant. Ever!!


Whatshername_Stew t1_jecwkka wrote

Seconding this one. There are lots of reasons, but one of them is that your friends and loved ones suffering from infertility and pregnancy loss will find this kind of prank hurtful and not funny at all.


Guttermouth11111 t1_jedl1g9 wrote

I announced my pregnancy on April Fools Day and then posted a baby pic months later and everyone asked why I never said anything. Bitch I did


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_jee4r8a wrote

That's on you tbh. You needed to say that you're aware of the fact that it's April Fools, but that it's true and then follow up the next day with another post. Or even better, just wait a day so that they don't think it's the long con.


Guttermouth11111 t1_jegmcjc wrote

I said “Happy April Fools Day. I’m pregnant.” I didn’t want any huge deal announcement thing so it was a fun gag when people commented on the original post that it was a weak joke. I enjoyed it a lot.


button_fly t1_jegm0uw wrote

Also did this because I thought it would be hilarious to make a real announcement on April Fools. Had to physically produce the baby before people believed it and I think I still have friends who think I’m just really committed to the bit 8 years later.


BrattyBookworm t1_jefiuxu wrote

I did too because it was also Easter! But we did a whole photo shoot and everything so that would’ve been excessive for a prank 😅


lilalliecakes t1_jeczre1 wrote

Kelly Kapour has entered the chat 💬


ValifriggOdinsson t1_jeddpw9 wrote

Care to explain?


AdultishRaktajino t1_jedqk45 wrote

My ex did that years ago. I broke up with her over it because it was just too much. She kept it up for like an entire date.

Ended up getting back together and married, kids and then divorced over some other narc shit she did.


fatwoul t1_jedz31b wrote

The fake baby thing seems like a pretty good red flag.


AdultishRaktajino t1_jefxhpt wrote

Looking back, it was a communist parade. It takes two to tango though. I can’t undo it and wouldn’t if I could or my kids wouldn’t exist.

Maybe learn boundaries and identifying who’s shit is legitimately who’s like 20 years earlier.

“Life’s tragedy is we get old too soon and wise too late.”


Professional-Cap420 t1_jeeclqv wrote

There was a girl in my Spanish class in hs that did that to her mom. She thought it was hilarious. Then she actually got pregnant later on purpose in some kind of attempt to keep her boyfriend from going to jail (idk either man, she was p dumb) and nobody believed her for a really long time.

Her mom got custody of the baby, so happy ending ig.


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_jee4msa wrote

Unless you're male.


ValifriggOdinsson t1_jee7k1z wrote

Will not start the „males can get pregnant too“ debate at this point..

Oops ;)


benmajin11 t1_jedfpop wrote

I had a gf do this to me. She knew I never wanted kids. She waited until I just woke up and was still foggy, then she hit me with it. I took it well, said it's her body if that's what she wants to do, that's what we'd do. Obviously not thrilled about it. She admired me for taking it so well, then proceeded to go on "Well I think we should probably have another after, so they have a brother or sister." Again, I said yeah, that makes sense. She kept going until saying she wanted 5, at which point I figured something was fishy. She got me good. Then I got her back by putting a bar of lavender soap in her hot chocolate from dunkins, and it sat for hours in the fridge.


Narethii t1_jeehqc3 wrote

I do it every year, my wife thinks it's hilarious!