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t1_jcyi82k wrote

My dream is to build a place where older foster kids can come and learn important life skills. I want to build a large working farm where we can teach basic farming, butchering, culinary school. I want to teach basic things like how to make doctors appointments and how banks/credit works. I have 2 adopted kids who are grown now and my gf aged-out of the foster system. We feel like the older kids really get the shaft. They move from group home to group home until they turn 18 and are shown the door.


t1_jcynt0p wrote

There's a bookstore/secondhand shop where I live that basically has this premise. They hire kids who've aged out of the foster system or are about to so that they can get some work experience, the idea being to involve them really closely in the running of the business so that they learn skills they can take with them. My understanding is they also have programs for life skills and generally getting on their feet. I try to donate and shop there as much as I can because they do such important work. I could totally see where a farm would lend itself really well to this too.


t1_jcz1ke4 wrote

> I want to build a large working farm where we can teach basic farming, butchering, culinary school.

If it's about teaching young people, make sure the crops/products are what will actually be farmed on a hotter Earth.

I'm having some serious conversations with my farming tenants regarding how much longer they really want to grow wheat and maybe they should make the switch to kernza sooner rather than later.


t1_jcz83vc wrote

To be honest, it's probably gonna be more gardening than farming. As far as the livestock goes, I would want to do some dairy cows and goats. A few head of steer for beef and maybe a couple horses. And lots of chixkens! I would like to grow foods we can use to teach the cooking classes. Teach real farm-to-table.