Oemiewoemie t1_iuekxxo wrote
No human hair though! It acts like plastic wire and they can suffocate when entangled in it
Ewag715 t1_iuf5864 wrote
That's interesting. What makes human hair so different?
nsa_reddit_monitor t1_iufcstv wrote
Longer and less fluffy.
Ewag715 t1_iufcxuh wrote
Ooh, I see
Oemiewoemie t1_iugixaw wrote
It’s long, thin and strong, like wire.
WayneConrad t1_iugbliy wrote
I have very fine, very short hair. The longest I ever let it get is #2, about 6mm. I cut my hair myself on our back patio and just leave the clippings on the concrete. It doesn't take long for the birds to pick it up. But I never thought about human hair being an entanglement hazard, thanks for mentioning it. I think my super short hair is fine, but if I have to cut it when it's longer, I won't leave it on the ground anymore.
Oemiewoemie t1_iughyvw wrote
A few mm would be fine! It’s the longer hairs that can be a problem.
TheRealSugarbat t1_iugba91 wrote
Except the birds where I lived used horse and cow hair all the time. I have nests completely made with horse hair. Why would human hair be more dangerous? Sauce?
Oemiewoemie t1_iugi93t wrote
Next time do your own googling. Plenty of sources listed when you search “human hair bird nest”
TheRealSugarbat t1_iugjnar wrote
Wow — next time be more civil? Since when is asking questions not allowed on a forum site? What’s wrong with you?
Oemiewoemie t1_iugk358 wrote
Why are you on a forum when you won’t believe the answers given without a “sauce”? I don’t have sources on the top of my head so I had to google it to give you the link. Which makes me grumpy because you could’ve done that yourself easily. But fine, I apologize.
TheRealSugarbat t1_iuglgtx wrote
Thank you.
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