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keepthetips t1_irqrvih wrote

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MtPollux t1_irqtxon wrote

Is there some practical reason I should go to this extra effort instead of just spending 30 seconds spraying wd40 on the hinge?


yusuo85 t1_irqwz6f wrote

Wd40 didn't work for me, what did work was rubbing a candle around the general area where I thought the squeak was originating from


wwarnout t1_irrcrwz wrote

>...hammer the hinges that look misaligned (even if they look slightly misaligned) back in place...

So, what's to prevent the hinges from returning to their misaligned orientation?


Sketti_n_butter t1_irrd2x9 wrote

Nah fam. Oil that baby up. It takes less than 2 minutes.


Valandomar t1_irrd3vk wrote

WD40 will eventually dry out, whereas realigning the hinges is a permanent solution (if the problem has to do with misaligned hinges in the first place).