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keepthetips t1_iu0zcsw wrote

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chinfuk t1_iu11lfr wrote

Also buy two sets of clothes!


Kangar t1_iu1334y wrote

Two full sets of bedsheets?

Who do you think I am, Beyoncé?


Far-Two8659 t1_iu13xk4 wrote

I'll raise your tip with another: buy three sets of solid color sheets, two neutrals (grey, white, beige/tan, etc) and one bright/gemstone color (red, green, blue, etc).

Mix them up: one color for pillowcases, one for flat sheet, one for fitted sheet. Bonus points if you match to a three colored comforter.

Your bed will look like it's straight out of a magazine, you'll have rotating sheets like this LPT mentions, and you'll have an extra set just in case.


HelenEk7 t1_iu144y6 wrote

I don't think I ever had just one set. When I moved away from home I got a couple of sets with me from my parents home. And from there I bought by own. I would give the "oposite advice" I think: You only need two sets, not more. At least until you get yourself a family, and/or until you have a large enough home where you might receive guests on regular basis.


dfore1234 t1_iu14s7s wrote

Wait people have just one set of sheets? Do you also have one set of underwear?


KDY_ISD t1_iu15791 wrote

Wait, you were having to leave nothing on your bed until you had washed and dried your sheets?


elven_sea t1_iu16osf wrote

My set up is to have 3 sets of the same sheets. Pillow cases will always match, can't loose one etc. Always have some fresh no matter what.


savvaspc t1_iu17lv5 wrote

I just moved into an apartment alone. I realized 2 is not enough. I had one dirty, one that needed changing, and my washing machine needed two to be full (along with two towels), and they take 1-2 days to dry. We don't use tumble dryers here. So 3 is the magic number to always have one available while 2 are being washed.


strawycape t1_iu1bziz wrote

When we upgraded to a king size duvet, we only bought one cover set. We have spare fitted sheets and pillow cases (somewhere...) but we are just really organised about washing and drying the sheets in one day. On wash day instead of making the bed when I get up, I immediately put the sheets in the wash. Granted we have a tubmledryer and people without one would probably struggle in winter to wash and dry in one day.


BuggiesCandleSpa t1_iu1e5q2 wrote

This is very true. I have never been happier to have a fresh pair of sheets ready to go than when I found a worm (from my dog’s butt) squirming around my pillow.


Xaphus t1_iu1h69s wrote

Exactly! Can of cold raviolis had to last two or more meals in college. When I had to do bed sheets, I just slept on a pile of less dirty clothes I threw on the bed.


I_R0M_I t1_iu1o00v wrote

What, are there really people out there that just have 1 set?!

And have to wash and dry it in 1day?!


concentrated-amazing t1_iu1odb0 wrote

I happen to have more than one set of sheets, but it's because of wedding gifts. I've never intentionally had more than one per bed.

I hate folding sheets. I strip the bed, wash, put back on. My mom did the same for all 5 beds, though some of us liked flannel sheets for the winter so there were 2-3 sets of sheets that got folded up and not used for 6 or so months.


Zoefschildpad t1_iu1rb0t wrote

Sure, why not? pop it in the washer and then a few hours later you pop it in the dryer. I don't see the problem.

I did just unpack my other set though. It's been the kind of temperature where it's too warm for a duvet and too cold for just a sheet, so now I have both and I can grab the other when I'm cold/warm.


LondonDude123 t1_iu1xwa2 wrote

3 Sets...

Its what most hotels and hospitality places use. The idea (numbers wise) is each bed has 3 sets, 1 on the bed, 1 in storage, 1 in the wash.


SirThatsCuba t1_iu20xkh wrote

Lah di dah Mr Moneybags here can afford sheets


radicz t1_iu26fag wrote

Jesus, dude - did you just move to a dorm?


body_talk t1_iu2gipm wrote

Easy for you to say, Mr. Moneybags.


C0333 t1_iu2jx4c wrote

Life pro tip. Let the cleaning lady manage all this sheet business.


BrieRaceAlert t1_iu30b34 wrote

Do you think I should also buy a second towel?


FarCar55 t1_iu347fk wrote

And another: buy only flat sheets, one size bigger than your bed. You won't have to worry about having the right sheet, and one sheet doesn't get worn faster than the other.


homarjr t1_iu36uvt wrote

Here's another tip.

Vacuum your mattress while the sheets are off. You don't want to check the bag after either, trust me.


withmirrors t1_iu375iv wrote

Buy 3, one on the bed, one folded ready to put on the bed, & the third one can be in the hamper.


jim309196 t1_iu37lur wrote

You keep calling having 1 set of sheets normal, and I really don’t think it is as standard as you think it is. Most people I’ve ever known, young, old, college, single, families, well off, struggling, etc have tended to have to have more than one pair of sheets unless they were like the classic young single guy who didn’t care at all about those types of things


DeTrotseTuinkabouter t1_iu3857i wrote

Odd tip. I think people realise that you can in fact own more than one set of bedsheets.


I_R0M_I t1_iu38jjc wrote

Of course, but this will probably be down to where we live....

In UK, tumble driers aren't anywhere near as common as US for example. And weather isn't warm (dry) enough to reliably dry everyday.

Trying to dry a super king bed set in doors.... Sucks!


niabais t1_iu39432 wrote

I have, like, 5 because it tales a while for my washing to dry. What kind of savages only have 1 set of bedsheets??


Komara1 t1_iu3bvy8 wrote

Are you saying I'm finally going to learn to fold a fitted sheet??


ForceOfAHorse t1_iu3ie65 wrote

Why would I need second set of sheets? If it's time to laundry, I just put it in the machine in the morning and it's washed and dried until I need it again (which is at night on the same day).

I keep some emergency sheets somewhere, but I don't think I've used it in last 5 years.


MissMormie t1_iu3j5rp wrote

Which isa good thing. It lets your matress air and get rid of some of the moisture and other gunk in there. Same reason you shouldn't make your bed. Not because you have just one sheet though, that's weird. That takes the covers off in the morning and put something clean on at night.


Chromchris t1_iu3jfgu wrote

This has to be an American only tip right. At least in Europe most ppl don't have a dryer (it's a huge waste of resources anyway) and hang/air dry their laundry. Especially with the humid weather over here, most of the year you can't possibly air dry a set of sheets in one day.


hetfield151 t1_iu3jhiz wrote

If you buy 2 sets of cutlery, plates and glasses, you can always use the other ones if some are dirty.

LPPT: buy even more sets, so you get a full dishwasher full of stuff.


ForceOfAHorse t1_iu3jww6 wrote

I live in Poland and I don't own a dryer. I don't have any issues with drying a set of sheets in a day. If it's sunny, then not an issue. If it's cloudy/rainy, I hang them in bathroom where heating is always on.

I guess it could be an issue if it was rainy day in summer (no heating season yet) and for some reason I'd be forced to wash the sheet this specific day, but I'd just hang them in bedroom and run a space heater for a while maybe? I don't know. Never happened to me in like 10 years.


Chromchris t1_iu3kit4 wrote

Well I guess that works. We hang our laundry in a drying room in the attic. In winter it can take multiple days or up to a week to dry some stuff. But I feel like if you can afford a flat/house with a big enough bathroom that you can hang your sheets there you can definitely afford a second set of sheets. German btw so climate should be pretty much the same.


ForceOfAHorse t1_iu3owq1 wrote

My bathroom is tiny, I have small flat. I just have a foldable drying rack and I do "the snake" with my sheets for drying purposes :)

Maybe if I lived in a house it would be different, but if it works then it works...


apeiron131 t1_iu3qyy4 wrote

You guys don’t have at least 2 sets? What happens if your single set is dry for instance? This isn’t a pro tip it’s just life stuff


PmMeLowCarbRecipes t1_iu3v02r wrote

If someone has only one set of bedsheets, it’s because they can’t afford another set of bedsheets.


DefiniteIndecision t1_iu3x2lu wrote

My parents did this for like, 25 years. They lived in a really hot place so the sheets dried very quickly outside but I don't know how they did it for so long. I had that 'oh crap, my sheets are still on the line' realisation when I went to hop into bed maybe twice before I decided no way, never again. They definitely had enough money to buy a second set so I just don't know why they didn't do it earlier.


hocuspocus07 t1_iu3xyv8 wrote

I have two sheets but i still only change them on laundry day.


highfatoffaltube t1_iu415mk wrote

Three sets.

One in the wash, one on the bed, one as an emergency spare.


Jealous_Resort_8198 t1_iu46pm4 wrote

I love linens and have many sets of sheets and pillow cases. I gift sheets all the time and everyone appreciates it because noone likes buying them for themselves.


nailgun198 t1_iu4bsof wrote

I think this is a good tip. A lot of people are shitting on it, but it took me a long time once I was grown and out of the house to realize how helpful it would be. My mom only kept one set for each of us, so that was the example that was set for me and what I followed when I left home.


szalejot t1_iu4cs1q wrote

I have multiple, but practically use only one.

I own washing machine and a dryer. I can take set off and have it clean and dry in about 4 hours. After that I put the same set on.


TankReady t1_iu4dn3h wrote

same here, Italy, no dryer in sight, you have to hang all the laundry, and if have to do it indoor (because rain or whatever) it takes at the very least one day.
We have probably 4 sets of bedsheets, different colors, so its nice to change every week or so instead of it always being the same (also mixing and matching, like the brown fitted sheet with the blue top one, and so on)


Intelligent-Panda-33 t1_iu4elv8 wrote

I would add 2 mattress covers also. Between kids and dogs (in my house at least) it’s saved me from worrying about a second “accident” while washing the first.


K3ndu t1_iu4guph wrote

LifeProTip for the boring people who dont like changes


KITTEHZ t1_iu4gy6r wrote

Not everyone owns a washer and drier in their own home. In large cities in the US many people still have a communal laundry in a multi family dwelling or have to use a laudromat.


MachtIV t1_iu4ndvn wrote

Probably should invest in two pairs of shoes! Saves you the hassle of waiting for your current pair to dry!


HIVVIH t1_iu4oqxu wrote

LPT: buy 10 full sets of bedsheets. You can replace the sheets anytime, and worry about washing them when you totally run out of sheets.

At least, that's how I do it.


bryanhoer t1_iu4snn9 wrote

The real LPT is to layer a fitted sheet under the mattress protector and top fitted sheet


Snarlynx t1_iu4tmdh wrote

Who only has one set?


lyta_hall t1_iu4ueot wrote

How is this a LPT? Are there people out there who own… only one (1) unit of sheets? 🥴


contrAryLTO t1_iu4ycvw wrote

Here’s my trick: multiple sets, layer the fitted sheets, at least four, on the bed, one on top of the other. I go a month without having to put on a fresh fitted sheet - I just take the top one off and use the next one. At the end of a month, I put them all back on. I developed this method because I often get home from my second job late and find my dog has made a nest for herself on my bed by unmaking it (pulling down the comforter and top sheet) and curling up in “my spot” getting it filthy in the process. This way, I’m not fully remaking my bed when all I want to do is collapse in it!


MoistDitto t1_iu4zepo wrote

People and only own one set?


GoddessOfSQL t1_iu56w0m wrote

The suggestion I heard was to have three sets. One on the bed, one in the laundry hamper, and one in the linen closet.


sweadle t1_iu5dj4d wrote

And for the same demographic: You need to change your sheets regularly. Like every couple weeks. It can make you smell bad to sleep in unwashed sheets, and you probably won't smell it but other people will.


MERVMERVmervmerv t1_iu5l90i wrote

This is why I keep two plates in my kitchen. You can put the dirty first plate in the dishwasher and use the second plate while the dishwasher is running! Preeeeeeetty sure I’m the first to think of this. You’re welcome.


apache2t t1_iu5lkp6 wrote

I thought this goes without saying...