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[deleted] t1_iy4i3mj wrote



MlKlBURGOS OP t1_iy4it34 wrote

Hahaha thanks! I was thinking about something more short-term (today or tomorrow) and I don't have the equipment to do those things now, but I reckon I should make a list of things to do in situations like these before it happens (since it's a fairly common thing to be sick or lazy in general).


0x30313233 t1_iy4hz0b wrote

First and foremost whatever you do make sure you keep a list of what you've done. That way you can look back at it at the end of the day or week and see what you've managed to achieve.

Even if the list only contains a few really small things having evidence of what you've achieved in an easy format to look back on will really help.

Secondly, take each day at a time. Today might be a bad day in terms of getting things done, but tomorrow could be the complete opposite. Alternatively tomorrow could be crap too, which is equally fine.

Thirdly, in terms of what to do then start small. Start by picking up 5 bits of trash and putting them in the bin and build from there.

Finally, good luck. It might not be easy and the path won't always be straight forward, and in fact might go backwards sometime but you can do this.


Immediate-Ad-8841 t1_iy4mcxh wrote

Got a headlamp? Put it on and clean... You'll be amazed the world you see that you never knew existed in your house, especially behind furniture😁


Ok-Chemical-1490 t1_iy4kbxd wrote

Set yourself small achievable goals. Like hoovering the living room or cleaning/decluttering your kitchen work tops. Feels good getting your personal space in order and it’s not overwhelming starting small


Ornery-Dragonfruit96 t1_iy4l6pt wrote

put your devices down and go for a walk in the woods. listen to the sounds, smell the leaves, notice the runs in the leaves, feel the sun on your face.


Scuka1 t1_iy4u1ul wrote

Singing, musical instrument, drawing, digital graphic design, programming, electronics, web design, writing, knitting, gardening, woodworking, origami, chess, dancing, any sport, foreign language, history, sciences, cooking, math, cooking meth, photography, handicraft, filming and video editing, improv acting, MS Office suite (Excel, PP, Word, ...)

Or find something that's not as good as it could be, and improve it.


Spacebetweenthenoise t1_iy58hrd wrote

Meditation, breath work, journaling, conversation with god friends


keepthetips t1_iy4guz7 wrote

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I_am_Torok t1_iy4qy8k wrote

See what cyber Monday sales you can find on udemy, coursera, data camp, LinkedIn learning, various coding academies.


MlKlBURGOS OP t1_iy4saxv wrote

I'm all for free learning, but with a couple tweaks I can use this, thank you :)


marlakd t1_iy55qbp wrote

Practice rejecting the belief that all of your time must be productive and that rest is not the right thing to do even when you're sick. (In all seriousness, you might try mindful, intentional rest and notice the thoughts and urges that come up in resistance to that. Question them all and reject the ones that don't enhance your life.)


MlKlBURGOS OP t1_iy7jeps wrote

Hahahahah I don't think all my time must be productive, but I haven't been productive for 3 days already and I'm fed up :)

Thanks for the tip!


sunnyflow2 t1_iy5fz8m wrote

Learn basic Spanish or french


MlKlBURGOS OP t1_iy7jc05 wrote

I'm Spanish and I hate French xD but I get the point


Accomplished_Low_265 t1_iy704mx wrote

I've spent a lot of time learning English. Learing second language is a really good way to invest your time. I heard many American learn Spanish.


MlKlBURGOS OP t1_iy7jayt wrote

Yeah but I already speak 4 languages (even though I could improve the 3rd and the 4th) so the reward of improving those skills are much less than for someone who doesn't speak English and Spanish, but it's a good idea nonetheless :)


Accomplished_Low_265 t1_iy7kcdf wrote

Wow, I'll try to learn and study English. I want to tell I can speak 2 language, some day.


MlKlBURGOS OP t1_iy7moiu wrote

I really recommend it, a lot of Spanish people don't realise that not speaking english basically reduces the amount of information available in the internet by 85% or so (and if you're not even spanish and therefore your native language is less used, even worse)


Bronxietheturtle t1_iy8jy8j wrote

I’ve always wanted to learn basic car maintenance. Fixing tires/oil etc.


CuppaTeaThreesome t1_iy7rxed wrote

Learn where all the countries are in case a TV show comes asking. Always trying to make Americans look dumb those TV shows are.