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jacksonhewitt t1_iyf8bc9 wrote

Lucky you! I just built a small tower on my garage to get a cellular signal on my new antennas so that I can get off of "Verizon Enhanced High Speed DSL" 1.3Mbps speeds (actually more like ~0.8Mbps with 38 service calls in 6 months to fix it) where I basically couldn't use the internet half the day, every day. This is the only service available to me, and I got a lawyer involved before they would even hook me up. No other option. Except Armstrong cable, who I offered 25k to to come the last 1/4 mile. They said no, and when I said "then name your price", they also said no.

Good advice, but unfortunately many in the USA do not have access to these services. And ALL of those people should be complaining heavily, as these ISPs continue to take tax breaks and taxpayer money and don't do shit for us.

Can you guys just take the 1Gbps, and send whatever leftover broadband you have our way?


Samwarez t1_iyfbzmr wrote

Have you looked into a local WISP, (Wireless ISP) they use different tech then cellular (usually) and specialize in rural areas. Should be able to get you in the 15-25 MBPS range.


RjBass3 OP t1_iyfcukl wrote

Have you looked into Starlink yet?