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ASDFzxcvTaken t1_iyd7otu wrote

This. After a loved one died i realized that we both had a similar casual hobby of artistic photography so there were tons of beautiful pictures of places and things but without them in it... none of them mattered.

In the end it was the selfiies, group pics, tagged pics others took and shared, and action pics and videos, which were hard to find, that our family and friends wanted the most.

I've since started to make sure to include the human aspect including myself into way more pictures.


fatogato t1_iydl6rd wrote

I used to take travel pics. You know, the usual landmarks and whatnot. After years of traveling and looking back at the pictures, they were not special as tons of other photographers took a similar image.

After that, I made sure to take pictures of myself and other travel companions standing in front of such scenes, even if it made the picture less “artistically perfect.”


BitchLibrarian t1_iydsv8i wrote

I recently went on a major holiday with my OH. We like to explore at different speeds and he loves to take multiple pictures with often lengthy set up.

When I first started to see him setting the timer and nipping in front to do the same pose and the same smile I found it a little funny if I'm honest. But the more I spotted it I find it endearing. If I'm near I nip in too and I'm so glad we have lots of slightly stilted posed pics of amazing places with him in them. I'll never be sad to see that head tilt and the special smile he has as he mentally counts down the timer.


MarsNirgal t1_iye6egl wrote

I would say they are completely different pictures with a different purpose. Ones are taken for art, others for memories. And we need both.