Background-Chapter80 t1_iwzwdkd wrote
Reply to comment by oktin in LPT Your body is on autopilot a lot more than you realize. Everyone's autopilot is an idiot. Life's easier and you screw up less when you realize this, and think intentionally and take actions accordingly so the autopilot can't screw things up. by 12jonboy12
Now that ADHD is so commonly diagnosed everyone apparently has no executive function. How the fuck did people get by for the past few hundred years then?
oktin t1_iwzxb85 wrote
ADHD isn't a problem for, like farm hands working before tractors and such took over. But now that our brains are the only really monetizable asset, the added strain is preventing traditional coping mechanisms from working.
Background-Chapter80 t1_iwzxlqg wrote
I acknowledge that some people have a real problem but I think it is over-diagnosed. Maybe if people didn’t raise their kids using iPads as their main parenting tool, people would have actual attention spans.
Tiny_Rat t1_ix00rde wrote
That doesn't really explain the number of 30-40+ year old people who are getting diagnosed for the first time now thay we've gotten better at recognizing what the symptoms look like in adults, particularly women.
Background-Chapter80 t1_ix04dug wrote
At a point it stops being a condition if so many people supposedly have it though
CaptainAsshat t1_ix06kfi wrote
Or it's an environmental condition we need to address.
Lots of people contracted the black plague, that didn't make it any less real or serious.
LollipopMagicRainbow t1_ix11ggb wrote
Big "just get a planner" energy from that guy
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