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MaxSupernova t1_iy5ozue wrote

A living will.

My mom was very clear that she didn't want any medical attention once she was non-verbal.

She wanted the highest level on non-intervention possible. No antibiotics, no surgery, no IV hydration, nothing.

It made our lives SO MUCH easier, because that is often the best thing to happen (it speeds death for people who don't want to live that way) and we had absolutely no doubt or second guessing because she was very clear while she was lucid.

Make your desires clear, write them down and give them to many people so someone who disagrees or loses strength in those last hard hours doesn't mess with your plan.

No matter what level of care you choose, write it down.


CoffeemonsterNL t1_iy7ho28 wrote

I totally agree. Depending on the country, you can also make your living will at a notary to make it official. it avoids a lot of problems: in many countries you else have to go to court to decide important things for your family who are not able to express their will anymore.


ItsYaBoyKevinHere OP t1_iy8ksmh wrote

I’ll keep this in mind for sure. My condolences for your loss, my mum passed recently as well.