Brilliant-Ad-8723 t1_ixuvxgk wrote
Yes, the worse phone call I ever received was from my wife sobbing into the phone and my young son screaming in the background with her saying she hit someone, the first thing that comes into my head is that she ran over someone. Actually she just rear ended some guy and no one was hurt. She now knows to first say no one is hurt. Lol
mostlygray t1_ixvg2dz wrote
My wife did the exact same thing to me. Then she said the wheels fell off her car and she was standing on a busy street during rush hour. She won't even tell me if she's OK. I said, "Get out of the street. Leave the car alone. Call 911. Do not go back to the car."
I haul ass from work and go to where she is. Nothing of what she said was true. She'd broken a ball joint in the driveway of her work and everything was fine. Just a broken car not even in anyone's way. Why she thought screaming about hitting someone and standing in a busy street was a good way to describe that, I have no idea. Why does that include uncontrollable sobbing?
Her mom is just as bad. She calls the house and I say, "How's it going?" There's a long pause and then "Oh... Not good." Even longer pause. "You remember my aunt so-and-so?" I say, "Yes. What's wrong?" "Well..." Even longer, longer pause. "She's been taking care of my sister after her surgery..." "I know! What's wrong?!" "Well she fell down..." "And??????" "She's fine but a little shaken up."
What?!? Jesus Christ! That's not even a story. That's nothing. Every time she calls it's like that. Makes your day just a little shittier."
concentrated-amazing t1_ixw4n6i wrote
My husband can be bad for this. Biggest case in point:
My husband and I (8 months pregnant with our first) were in a T-bone accident on our way back from visiting my family (5 hours south of where we and his parents live). My husband walked away with basically no injuries, I had bruising and scrapes, etc, wouldn't have gone to the hospital but got ambulanced because of the baby, just to be sure.
My husband sent a picture text of the wrecked car (he's a car guy, his dad too) and that I was on the way to the hospital. That's it. His phone then died, and of course he had no charger or way to charge.
His mom was absolutely frantic. They didn't even know which city we were in, because I they knew we were travelling back that day. She tried contacting me, of course, but I wasn't looking at my phone for the first hour and a half or so, because it also had low battery and I was busy being checked out. She ended up phoning her brother, who lives 10 min from my parents, to get him to look up their farm phone. My dad, who had been receiving updates through my mom, was able to reassure her that her son wasn't hurt, and it didn't seem like I or the baby had anything major but we were being checked/monitored for a few hours.
TheSmilingDoc t1_ixvmodp wrote
I actually made this mistake myself.
My mom hit a tree while parking backwards, and i texted my fiance about it. Except I got distracted and instead of saying that last part, I only said "mom hit a tree". He read the message a few hours later and absolutely freaked out. My mom was absolutely fine, car only had a minor dent.
Yeah. Oops.
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