Submitted by natnatnat1995 t3_zxazjb in LifeProTips

So I have quite a bad cold at the moment and have been choking on mucus every so often (pretty scary) I've tried a few technique videos I've seen on YouTube on trying to get it out. Problem is, it will get to where my tongue and throat meet and then no matter how hard I try and cough or gag it won't come any further so I can successfully spit it out. Any tips would be useful!



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Revolutionary_Ad811 t1_j1zb7d0 wrote

Neti pot or squeeze bottle sinus irrigator (sold at pharmacy). Eliminates snot at the source. Also very soothing. Use warm water with some salt. Most neti pots and irrigators come with packets of salt.


Thedonitho t1_j20ddz9 wrote

Tips on nasal irrigation:

Use distilled water. Do NOT use regular tap water or water from the shower to irrigate. You don't want bacteria or amoebas in your sinuses as this is a direct line to your brain.

Use the proper saline solution, designed for this (the aforementioned packets dissolved in the correct ratio of distilled water). Do NOT use straight water, it hurts, a lot.

I have the Nevage nasal irrigator machine and it's amazing. If you have an FSA card (in the States) you can use that to pay for it. Works wonders if you use it regularly.


AGPatel15 t1_j20oihh wrote

Boiling tap or bottled water and letting it cool before use works just as well if you don't have distilled water.


jespeter t1_j21y6vm wrote

When using a neti pot- it’s imperative you use distilled water purchased at the store. Boiled water should still be ok but that’s bare minimum! I saw on the news that a girl contracted a rare infection in her brain from using the neti pot with tap water (you have been warned 🫢)


rgweav t1_j1zrna1 wrote

A warm salt water gargle might help.


CourageOld838 t1_j1zptuy wrote

A fiery curry works well, if you can tolerate the heat!


AdviceWorth0 t1_j1zzrxg wrote

Avoid milk and other dairy products, they tend to increase mucus.

Drink clear broth.

I agree with the neti pot advice.


ZakTSK t1_j1zag8o wrote

Mucinex or any other decongestant


natnatnat1995 OP t1_j1zchh5 wrote

Oops forgot to say I'm on zoloft/sertraline and it clashes with decongestant medication. Sucks because I have a whole bottle of it in the cupboard still 😟


lemonsendd t1_j2072ob wrote

Try taking an Expectorant like guaifenesin, I also take Zoloft and can’t take any decongestants.


Consummateactress77 t1_j20lzqg wrote

Wait, what??? I take Zoloft and have never heard this… does the decongestant not work?


Sneezarrhea t1_j227nld wrote

Id never heard that and use that stuff all the time. I’m still here lol

But seriously, get a sinus rinse with the salt. It feels a little alien at first, and it’s definitely productive and therefore gross, but totally works. Just make sure to use purified water when you do it. Its ok to have water up in your sinuses but your body isn’t necessarily designed for it and therefore a great way for bacteria, viruses, fungus, and brain eating amoebas to get in and set up shop with various degrees of lethality.


JoShow t1_j1zdc99 wrote

Steam. Fill a big bowl with hot hot water and hold your head over it covered by a towel to hold in the steam. Don’t burn yourself but try to breathe in some hot steam and let it swirl around your head and sinuses a bit. Should help break it up enough to cough out. Good luck


sunnyflow2 t1_j1ze2d6 wrote

Literally steam it out. Take a warm bath, as hot as you can stand it without harm. Add Epson salt. The salt will detox ur body and the steam will losen things up. Make sure you hydrate!


braqass t1_j1zzuy8 wrote

As a singer I use a gargle made of hot water honey vinegar and cayenne pepper. I use cider vinegar usually but you can use others. The cayenne draws mucus to the surface the vneigar breaks it down the honey makes it more pleasant plus is a soother for throats. Gargle and spit. Usually mucus from deep in my throat comes out. Google it for exact recipes but it’s easy and works for singers to clear their throats


RobReynalds t1_j1zxw2z wrote

Have something with cayenne pepper powder in it. Breaks down mucus.


Shanable t1_j20o5fq wrote

citric acid helps break down mucus. try a warm gargle of salt water and lemon juice


BoxMunchr t1_j210g0n wrote

Take Mucinex. It breaks up the sticky mucus. Also, after 10 minutes in a hot shower, bend down so your torso is horizontal and cough it out.


-2BR02B t1_j220txb wrote

Make sure you are well hydrated so that the mucus is not thick enough to make you choke


Radiant_Mammoth3412 t1_j1zm0rv wrote

Broomhexine HCl 8 mg cough tablets. It helps reduce the thickness of the mucus, which makes it easier to cough it up. Also available as Bisolvon cough syrup. Don't know if these are available outside EU.


David-Myriad t1_j1zqfgb wrote

If the other comments don’t work, you need to talk to a doctor.


keepthetips t1_j1z7zvk wrote

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klakkr t1_j20dboz wrote

A slice of orange does the trick for me


dilligaf6304 t1_j20l24f wrote

Get a cough medicine that thins mucous. Works brilliantly for me and within an hour or two you’ll be able to cough it up.


djudy40 t1_j20p7ex wrote

Eat something spicy, also Vicks in a hot steamy shower helps.


[deleted] t1_j20pk39 wrote

Gargle with salt water, gargle with peroxide, use nasal sprays, etc.


jslyles57 t1_j22a213 wrote

Heat water, add honey and lemon juice. Drink. If it doesn’t work, try other recommendations. I also take Zoloft and have taken decongestants, but do what doc recommends.


flir-water-bottle t1_j22lucy wrote

If you are struggling to breathe please go to the emergency room. No homeopathic remedy will cure inability to breathe.


anita1louise t1_j23bf0k wrote

The mucus is caused by inflammation of the mucus membranes. I have found that a minute amount of vinegar will immediately relieve inflammation of the mucus membranes. What I do is take a cotton swab, dip it into 3% (common vinegar) and gently swab each nostril and each outer ear. If you have an active infection it will sting a little. Your sinuses will be immediately open and you will be able to breathe. If I have an active infection I will repeat this every 4 hours. I am not a doctor, this just works for me. It is very powerful, don’t overdo it.


ChipolasCage t1_j23w7x7 wrote

Try mucinex (guafinesin) or any with pseudoephedrine in it