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natnatnat1995 OP t1_j1zchh5 wrote

Oops forgot to say I'm on zoloft/sertraline and it clashes with decongestant medication. Sucks because I have a whole bottle of it in the cupboard still 😟


lemonsendd t1_j2072ob wrote

Try taking an Expectorant like guaifenesin, I also take Zoloft and can’t take any decongestants.


Consummateactress77 t1_j20lzqg wrote

Wait, what??? I take Zoloft and have never heard this… does the decongestant not work?


Sneezarrhea t1_j227nld wrote

Id never heard that and use that stuff all the time. I’m still here lol

But seriously, get a sinus rinse with the salt. It feels a little alien at first, and it’s definitely productive and therefore gross, but totally works. Just make sure to use purified water when you do it. Its ok to have water up in your sinuses but your body isn’t necessarily designed for it and therefore a great way for bacteria, viruses, fungus, and brain eating amoebas to get in and set up shop with various degrees of lethality.