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BalimbingStreet t1_j2bwbs3 wrote

I have a coworker who will always use someone else's mistake to highlight his better approach. Sure it's the better approach, but you don't have to be a dick about it.


The_Red_Haiku t1_j2dgs90 wrote

This is deflection. It makes the person really unlikable.


illcrx t1_j2eene2 wrote

I follow the notion of spread credit and take blame. For instance I was at work the other day, I work on home entertainment systems, and the guy I was working with turned the volume all the way up on this persons stereo system. When it turned on it was LOUD, way too loud. I figured out what happened and turned it back down and when the homeowner came up I said "Oh sorry I accidentally turned the volume all the way up, sorry about that". My co-worker didn't even know what happened until I explained it later when the client was gone.

I could have been a dick and said "Oh he turned the volume up, sorry about that." But by taking blame it shows professionalism and shows my co-worker that we do things together and work as a team.


AdminYak846 t1_j2ddn72 wrote

I usually do this sometimes, but it's usually after the fact once I've pitched it and who makes the decisions has already made up their mind and doesn't want to change anything. Mostly because they don't want to care about the benefits or consequences of the decision made, they just want a decision made.


chillfox t1_j2e49es wrote

I have a manager who blames failures on the team and successes on their managerial skills