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DavidANaida t1_j2c70jy wrote

You actually expect us to believe someone brought duct tape into church on the chance there was a noisy kid he could use it on in front of his parents?


Catspaw129 t1_j2c9kuq wrote

Commenter has a valid concern.

Commenter asks "You actually expect us to believe someone brought duct tape into church on the chance there was a noisy kid"

Why, no. Some people just come prepared with tools & materials for a variety of situations. This was one of those kind of people and one of those kind of -- as it turns out -- situations. Think Boy Scouts: always prepared! Heck, it could have been a leaky pipe.

Commenter further asks "he could use it on in front of his parents?"

I'm not certain, but it looked to me like the kid's mom was one of the folk who exclaimed "Hallelujah" and his dad was one of the people who exclaimed "Amen!" after the kid was silenced.


DavidANaida t1_j2cawc3 wrote

And then everyone clapped, right? As if parents wouldn't ask why a stranger touched their child.

I was a churchgoer at a variety of parishes for more than 20 years and never once saw someone bring tools to a service. Ever. What leaky pipe are they fixing while ATTENDING CHURCH?


Catspaw129 t1_j2ccd0r wrote

I guess after years of attending Catholic school my sense of humor is very finely honed and too subtle and some folk need to have it explicitly called out:



DavidANaida t1_j2ccmw9 wrote

What sense of humor? The obviously fake story or responding like a form letter?