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Shizz-happens t1_j2e8ymz wrote

Absolutely! Don’t call your parents the minute you have a problem. Seek advice from “seasoned” adults and/or professionals who have, most likely, encountered that problem before. Narrow down some good options and then tell your parents the problem you’re dealing with, and the options you’re considering. For example, if you realize you lost your credit card and you call mom in a frantic state, you’re basically dropping that problem on her. Or, you call and tell her you lost your credit card so you called the bank, and found out there were 2 fraudulent charges so they reversed them, cancelled that card and are reissuing you another. Now you’ve told her about the problem but showed you’re capable of handling it, effectively, yourself. * Also, by “seasoned” adult, I mean, not a twenty something. Ask an older person or someone in the business. Don’t ask someone with years and experience </= your own.