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sleeplessjade t1_j2eacg4 wrote

Make sure your apartment has rent control. In Ontario Canada for instance, any building that was occupied Nov 2018 or before is safe. New buildings have no rent control so your landlord can raise the rent to whatever they want. Even doubling the rent or worse. Thanks, Doug.

Edit: Added Location.


sam349 t1_j2f0yy0 wrote

Careful - rent control is specific to where you live. Unless you’re friends with op, there’s a good chance the rent control rules are very different for them. For many people, rent control is only on buildings built prior to 1970. But I agree they should check their local laws.


sleeplessjade t1_j2f35kz wrote

Whoops. Forgot what sub I was in. I’ve added the location for the specific rent controls I mentioned.

Rent control is vastly different depending on where you life, so checking local laws is a good idea.