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Devittraisedto2 t1_j1a9ntv wrote

What should I be doing with this information

and where can I apply said information?


PicassosGhost t1_j1a9vf7 wrote

Pretty sure most people understand that being paralyzed would change your life.


anotheralpaca69 t1_j1aha2h wrote

What the fuck does OP expect us to do with this information?


Devittraisedto2 t1_j1alrrd wrote

Not much considering it has little to no practicality. It's not integral that we know it anyway.

OP throwing a tantrum now because I inquired too much on how this should affect me and others.


Flair_Helper t1_j1c258c wrote

Hello swheedle, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason:

Your post is not a life pro tip. Advice is any guidance or recommendation concerning prudent future action. An aphorism is a short clever saying that is intended to express a general truth or a concise statement of a principle.Try r/YouShouldKnow.

If you would like to appeal this decision please feel free to contact the moderators here. Do not repost without explicit permission from the moderators. Make sure you read the rules before submitting. Thank you!


keepthetips t1_j1a98ss wrote

Hello and welcome to r/LifeProTips!

Please help us decide if this post is a good fit for the subreddit by up or downvoting this comment.

If you think that this is great advice to improve your life, please upvote. If you think this doesn't help you in any way, please downvote. If you don't care, leave it for the others to decide.


swheedle t1_j1ai7xi wrote

I decided to add something like this comment to the post instead for increased visibility, disregard the below content.

Some clarity:

When disasters happen the news will say things like "there were no fatalities and only three injuries, and the injuries were described as non life-threatening." Those injuries may well still be horrific, but the news will often phrase it like that to soften the scale of the event.


Devittraisedto2 t1_j1ak5y2 wrote

It doesn't really answer the question of what's the practicality of it to be a life pro tip

Pretty sure you can piece together that severity of the incident, and use multiple news outlets to see how severe it really is.


swheedle t1_j1akbop wrote

People who weren't aware of this distinction can use this information to become better informed when presented with a story thusly phrased


Devittraisedto2 t1_j1akl3w wrote

And how does that impact the person?

"Oh there were non-life threatening injuries", I doubt most people who aren't involved in the incident would go "but were there any life changing injuries?"


swheedle t1_j1akvq1 wrote

Dude you are not the gate keeper of useful information, go touch some grass and stop sorting by new to shoot down posts people think up


Devittraisedto2 t1_j1al5tq wrote

"Useful" information to you is trivial to the rest because of how impractical it is to most people's lives. Im asking you the practicality of it and here you are being pissy because you don't have an actual answer on how this can be applied to daily life.

My apologies for inquiring too much on how this could benefit me, since it seems it doesn't benefit most people at all outside of "mayhaps there be a life changing injury on site of the non-life threatening incident"

True, the distinction is there, but it doesn't change anything much except for the people affected by it.


dreddllama t1_j1aztdl wrote

There’s no crying in karma farming, son.


swheedle t1_j1b1h57 wrote

Look man I just thought it was a useful tip, I'm not here to be told why my idea isn't exactly what makes gatekeepers happy


dreddllama t1_j1b2f45 wrote

Look kid, it’s a bad post. Nothing to get all upset about, just take it down. Oh, and an injury that causes paralysis is always going to be considered life threatening.


International_Brief5 t1_j1b34qm wrote

It’s a piece of information, yes, but not every piece of information qualifies as an LPT. LPTs are pieces of actionable knowledge or informed advice that readers use to improve their life. And I mean “use” in action, not just “knowing.” Knowing facts like the one you posted is great and all, but it’s not an LPT. For example, I could post an LPT that “a lichen is a combination of an algae and fungus”… but how is that really actionable to improve someone’s life?