
Flair_Helper t1_jeh5iq4 wrote

Hello Pale_Squash_4263, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason:

Posts concerning the following are not allowed, religion, politics, relationships, law and legislation, parenting, driving, or medicine or hygiene including mental health. This list is not exhaustive. Moderators may remove posts considered to deviate from the spirit of the subreddit.

If you would like to appeal this decision please feel free to contact the moderators here. Do not repost without explicit permission from the moderators. Make sure you read the rules before submitting. Thank you!


Flair_Helper t1_jeh5eyn wrote

Hello incredibleinkpen, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason:

Posts concerning the following are not allowed, religion, politics, relationships, law and legislation, parenting, driving, or medicine or hygiene including mental health. This list is not exhaustive. Moderators may remove posts considered to deviate from the spirit of the subreddit.

If you would like to appeal this decision please feel free to contact the moderators here. Do not repost without explicit permission from the moderators. Make sure you read the rules before submitting. Thank you!


Flair_Helper t1_jeh4c0y wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Medical questions are not allowed on ELI5, and it is a terrible idea to ask for on the internet in general! If you have medical questions, please see an actual doctor rather than asking strangers on the internet.

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.


Flair_Helper t1_jeh2bkv wrote

Hello MarkHirsbrunner, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason:

Posts concerning the following are not allowed, religion, politics, relationships, law and legislation, parenting, driving, or medicine or hygiene including mental health. This list is not exhaustive. Moderators may remove posts considered to deviate from the spirit of the subreddit.

If you would like to appeal this decision please feel free to contact the moderators here. Do not repost without explicit permission from the moderators. Make sure you read the rules before submitting. Thank you!


Flair_Helper t1_jeh1l5k wrote

Hello schaefercmatthew, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason:

Do not post tips that could be considered common sense, common courtesy, unethical, or illegal.

If you would like to appeal this decision please feel free to contact the moderators here. Do not repost without explicit permission from the moderators. Make sure you read the rules before submitting. Thank you!


Flair_Helper t1_jegy58i wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Loaded questions are not allowed on ELI5. A loaded question is one that posits a specific view of reality and asks for explanations that confirm it. A loaded question, by definition, presumes that something must be true in order for the question to stand.

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.


Flair_Helper t1_jegy444 wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Loaded questions, or ones based on a false premise, are not allowed on ELI5. A loaded question is one that posits a specific view of reality and asks for explanations that confirm it. These usually include the poster's own opinion and bias, but do not always - there is overlap between this and parts of Rule 2. Note that this specifically includes false premises.

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.


Flair_Helper t1_jegly6r wrote

Hi, /u/EriBerry6 Thank you for participating in r/iphone. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s):

All posts must be about iPhones (Announcements, News, Discussion or Tips), and must foster discussion. Uninteresting and commonly posted submissions will be removed.

Reposting posts removed by a moderator without express permission is not allowed. Not here, and not on most of reddit. Please read reddiquette (linked below).

For questions, comments and concerns, message the moderators.

Reddiquette | New to Reddit? | Reddit's Content Policy


Flair_Helper t1_jeg9xem wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Straightforward or factual queries are not allowed on ELI5. ELI5 is meant for simplifying complex concepts.

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.


Flair_Helper t1_jefw8ml wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Loaded questions, or ones based on a false premise, are not allowed on ELI5. A loaded question is one that posits a specific view of reality and asks for explanations that confirm it. These usually include the poster's own opinion and bias, but do not always - there is overlap between this and parts of Rule 2. Note that this specifically includes false premises.

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.


Flair_Helper t1_jefep4t wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Loaded questions, or ones based on a false premise, are not allowed on ELI5. A loaded question is one that posits a specific view of reality and asks for explanations that confirm it. These usually include the poster's own opinion and bias, but do not always - there is overlap between this and parts of Rule 2. Note that this specifically includes false premises.

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.


Flair_Helper t1_jef2x4b wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Straightforward or factual queries are not allowed on ELI5. ELI5 is meant for simplifying complex concepts.

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.


Flair_Helper t1_jeerda6 wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Subjective or speculative replies are not allowed on ELI5. Only objective explanations are permitted here; your question is asking for speculation or subjective responses. This includes anything asking for peoples' subjective opinions, any kind of discussion, and anything where we would have to speculate on the answer. This very much includes asking about motivations of people or companies. This includes Just-so stories.

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.


Flair_Helper t1_jeeje7c wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

  • ELI5 requires that you search the ELI5 subreddit for your topic before posting. Users will often either find a thread that meets their needs or find that their question might qualify for an exception to rule 7. Please see this wiki entry for more details (Rule 7).

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.


Flair_Helper t1_jee9lha wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Straightforward or factual queries are not allowed on ELI5. ELI5 is meant for simplifying complex concepts.

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.


Flair_Helper t1_jedwva3 wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Straightforward or factual queries are not allowed on ELI5. ELI5 is meant for simplifying complex concepts.

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.


Flair_Helper t1_jedwm4e wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Straightforward or factual queries are not allowed on ELI5. ELI5 is meant for simplifying complex concepts.

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.


Flair_Helper t1_jedwfng wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Recent/current events are not allowed on ELI5. First, these are usually asking for factual answers or opinions. Additionally, information about these events is usually still developing, making objective and accurate answers difficult.

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.


Flair_Helper t1_jedhi3a wrote

Hey /u/Intrepid-Scientist85, thanks for contributing to /r/tifu. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules:

Rule 4 - No overly vulgar posts. Eg: No pissing/​shitting your pants. No incest/​rape​/​minors/​bestiality. No death of animals. No glorification of major crimes.

Please read the sidebar and rules before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please message the moderators through modmail. Thank you!


Flair_Helper t1_jedhdi6 wrote

Hey /u/PurpleCauliflower459, thanks for contributing to /r/tifu. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules:

Rule 3 - Sorry, but this isn't your fault. Submissions here must be your fault. No victim blaming. No TIFU by getting robbed/​scammed/​mugged/​raped. Those are not your fault. Just because something bad happened to you doesn't mean it's your fault.

Please read the sidebar and rules before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please message the moderators through modmail. Thank you!


Flair_Helper t1_jedbsx3 wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

ELI5 is not meant for any question that you may have, including personal questions, medical questions, legal questions, etc. It is meant for simplifying complex concepts.

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.


Flair_Helper t1_jed8rvu wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

  • ELI5 requires that you search the ELI5 subreddit for your topic before posting. Users will often either find a thread that meets their needs or find that their question might qualify for an exception to rule 7. Please see this wiki entry for more details (Rule 7).

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.


Flair_Helper t1_jed15zb wrote

Hi, /u/seeksanswerss Thank you for participating in r/iphone. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s):

All posts must be about iPhones (Announcements, News, Discussion or Tips), and must foster discussion. Uninteresting and commonly posted submissions will be removed.

Reposting posts removed by a moderator without express permission is not allowed. Not here, and not on most of reddit. Please read reddiquette (linked below).

For questions, comments and concerns, message the moderators.

Reddiquette | New to Reddit? | Reddit's Content Policy


Flair_Helper t1_ject6v0 wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Subjective or speculative replies are not allowed on ELI5. Only objective explanations are permitted here; your question is asking for speculation or subjective responses. This includes anything asking for peoples' subjective opinions, any kind of discussion, and anything where we would have to speculate on the answer. This very much includes asking about motivations of people or companies. This includes Just-so stories.

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.


Flair_Helper t1_jebxbzf wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Loaded questions are not allowed on ELI5. A loaded question is one that posits a specific view of reality and asks for explanations that confirm it. A loaded question, by definition, presumes that something must be true in order for the question to stand.

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.