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keepthetips t1_j6hmol4 wrote

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KamilaSine t1_j6hnm2e wrote

Perfect way of giving your eyes an infection.


dryerasenerd t1_j6ho0gj wrote

From the American Academy of Ophthalmologists (aka eye doctors):

#If you're too anxious to insert eye drops: Children and people who have strong reactions to anything near their eyes may struggle to keep their eyes open. If that's the case, try this method instead:

  • Lean your head back as far as is comfortable, or lay down on a bed or couch.
  • Keep your eyes closed. Hold the eye drop bottle with your thumb and first two fingers.
  • Put the other two fingers of your hand on your nose for stability.
  • Without touching the bottle to your eyelid, put an eye drop in the corner of your eye near your nose.
  • While your head is still tilted back, open your eyes and blink several times until the drop rolls into the eye.

Don't put drops on your nose.


woburnite t1_j6hokhz wrote

Close your eye, drop the eye drop in the inside corner of the eye, open eye. Drops go right in. Works on yourself or a squirmy kid.


satirevaitneics t1_j6hrzd4 wrote

This is how I got an eye infection, I never did it again